Career Profile

Sazzad Hossain Saju is graduated from Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. He had a good reputation for participation in the inter-university programming contest and ICPC. Sazzad is proficient in full-stack development with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, and Python. He has also working experience in cryptography and data security. Sazzad is currently looking for a job opportunity as a full-stack developer to boost his learning and apply them is the real-life application.


BSK-Stream-Cipher - Bornomala Symmetric Key (BSK) stream cipher is a developed cipher that generated a pair of sub-keys from an input key through a complex key generation technique used in encryption. The slightest change in the input symmetric key produces an entirely different key pair. Hence, different encrypted results exhibit the reliability of the cipher along with modern cryptography.
Language: C++ | Development Tools: DevC++ | Time Periods: November, 2020
RSA Algorithm - RSA is a widely used asymmetric cipher that requires two large random prime numbers to generate a public key and a private key to produce ciphertext. This project makes the algorithm workable within any range of prime numbers. So the user of this system can experiment with any inputs.
Language: Python | Development Tools: PyCharm | Time Periods: December, 2020
Portfolio Website - A responsive website development project that contains all of my activities and achievements so far in a well-planned decoration.
Scripted Language: HTML, CSS | Framework: Bootstrap | Development Tools: VSCode, Google Chrome | Time Periods: June, 2021
Mail From Google Spreadsheet - In an organizational need, an email has to send to a lot of clients. An old-school solution to this is to use Gmail's CC BCC feature. In this way, all clients' email addresses are exposed to all which is a violation of privacy. This project overcomes this problem.
Language: Javascript | Development Tools: VSCode, Google Spreadsheet | Time Periods: October, 2020
Spells and Grammer Checker - This project implements the 'Trie' data structure to performs spell checking of an input file fed to it. As well as this program corrects basic grammatical errors.
Language: C++ | Development Tools: Codeblocks | Time Periods: June, 2020


  • A Hybrid Cryptographic Scheme of Modified Vigenère Cipher using Randomized Approach for Enhancing Data Security
  • Sazzad Hossain Saju, S.M. Haque, L.H. Lingcon
    International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA)
    May, 2021

    Skills & Proficiency

    C++ & C++/CLI

    HTML5, CSS & Bootstrap

    Javascript & jQuery

    Python & Django

    Git & Github

    Sketch & Photoshop